Miyagi Chojun 90th Anniversary International Gasshuku-Hawaii

Brendan Howard, 2nd Dan black belt, was fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in the Hawaii Gasshuku from 25-28th April. This event held against the backdrop of palm tree framed beaches and lush tropical rainforests coincided with the 90th anniversary of Goju Ryu founder, Chojun Miyagi’s visit to Hawaii in 1934.

This unique event featured instruction from three of the world’s most senior Goju Ryu practitioners in Okinawa - Kuromoto Sensei (8th Dan), Uehara Sensei (8th Dan) and Yonesato Sensei (7th Dan) and included training sessions at various locations across the island of Oahu including beach training at Ala Moana beach close to the famous Waikiki.

Unfortunately it’s a long way to the beach from the Orange dojo, but nonetheless, Brendan is looking forward to sharing some of his new insights with his fellow karateka.