Dojo Etiquette



 The Dojo or training hall is a sacred place and must be treated as such. Your Belt (Obi) and your Uniform (Gi) is part of your training and should be treated as such. There is a certain way to tie your belt and fold your Gi and these are detailed below. With the Jacket, Left side (side with the label) goes over the right side.

Dojo Respect

When you arrive at the Dojo you should bow, then when you enter you must forget and leave all of your day to day problems at the door and focus on only yourself. Respect your teachers and senior students that help you along with all the other members of your Dojo.

Entering & Leaving - Etiquette for arriving and going home

When you arrive you should bow to the front of of the Dojo and say 'Onegaishimasu' meaning please let me enter. You leave you bow again and say 'Domo Arigato' meaning thank you. You can also say 'Sayonara' when finally leaving the Dojo for the day. Shoes must never make contact with the training surface. Place shoes neatly in the appropriate area.

Rei - How to bow correctly for a standing position

Feet should be placed in Musubi Dachi position and the hands should be placed neatly at the side with the centre finger running down the seam of the uniform pants. Bow forward from the waist, not the shoulders, and keep your eyes up as not to miss anything.

Seiza - How to Kneel down correctly & bow

Always kneel down on the left side and come up on the right side as shown in the video. Left big toe crosses over the right one and the hands are placed high up on the lap towards the hip.

Hojo Undo - Etiquette for using training equipment

If you wish to use a piece of training equipment you must bow to it as if you were training with a partner. You show respect to the equipment as it is going to assist you in become better at Karate. Before you use the equipment say 'Onegaishimau' (please let me use you) and when you are finished say 'Domo Arigato' (thank you for letting me practice with you. All equipment must go back exactly where you found it to keep your Dojo clean and tidy.