AOGKF National Gasshuku 2020

Well, it was another highly successful National AOGKF Gasshuku over this weekend in Canberra, with expert sessions from Australia’s top Instructors, including our very own Sensei Geoff Tait. We were constantly mindful how very lucky we were to be able to have this event, and our karate-ka brothers and sisters throughout the world who are not so lucky, were constantly in our thoughts. It certainly made us all appreciative of every valuable moment.

Orange sent a contingent of 7, which is the largest for quite some time, with Sensei Geoff Tait, Sempai’s Sharon Tait and Colin Dibble & Dan Rimmer, Brendan Howard, Marz Dibble, Nathan Dibble attending.

On the Saturday afternoon there was the Black Belt grading in front of The Executive Committee during which Sempai Colin Dibble achieved Ni Dan Blackbelt Grade. Congratulations to all those who worked so hard and graded.

Remember; “Never Give Up”!!

Breaking News!

Orange Dojo only has 2 places left for its kids class, then we will be full up. If you want your kids to learn Karate, get in touch to book your spot.

Orange Karate is now excepting New beginner Teen and Adults students for our Monday and Friday Class, these will fill up fast, so book now!

PLUS... Our Women's Self Defence Class is once again being held.. this will be run by our senior Black belt Women.. there’s limited spaces that are almost full. Get in touch to book your spot.

Sensei Geoff.

Kongokens are in

We have just taken delivery of more kongokens both for local use as well as to send out to those who have already ordered.

If you still want one/some please get in touch ($250). They are about 1.7m high and weigh about 20kg and powder coated (in whatever colour you want).

I feel some Hojo undo coming on very soon!


Evening training

Awesome evenings training today with a great turn out. Fantastic to see everyone and all had a great time. Kids classes have started with new try outs. Adults did kakie, sparring combinations, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanchin and Tensho katas.


Back post COVID restrictions

Well, we have been back for a few weeks now post COVID restrictions. Prior to that there was a lot of Zoom sessions going on in lounges, garages and bedrooms across the world! Great opportunity to mix it up internationally.

We have now moved back to our old home in Spring Street Carriage Cottage too.

Classes start around 18:15 for an hour, for adults Mon, Wed, Fri. We don’t have any kids at the moment but when we do, they will start at 17:30. Please give us a shout if you have kids you want to start.

Welcome to Dan and Jodie who are currently trying us out (from other martial art styles)

Since our last blog, Nathan Dibble & Charlotte George have graded to junior black belt, so congratulations to you both!

Evening Trying 24th July

Black belt only training this evening

Well it was a chilly Orange evening but we saw the first appearance of Shodan Sharon sporting her new black belt, and wonderful to see Hope Carr return to training.  It turned out to be a black belt only session doing Tensho kata and bunkai.


Friday 24th May

There will be no karate classes today as we head down to Canberra for the Black and Brown belt Gasshuku

Good luck to Sharon this weekend, Sharon is testing for her sho-dan after training for 7 years. Good luck!!



Fantastic to see the dojo starting to fill up. Lots of cars in the car park and new faces in kids and adult classes. Welcome all, great to see you all!

Training Tonight

Fantastic to see everyone tonight and great training! Lovely to have some new faces too. Come and join us this Friday too!

Training is ON tomorrow (Monday)!


Kids and beginners: 17:30

Special guest instructor tomorrow is Senpai Simon George, so come along and train hard



Adults 18:00

If you’ve been thinking about it, DO IT and come along and see what it is all about!! 

See you there

New Website

Well everyone, welcome to the brand new Orange Karate Dojo website. It is still being worked on so bear with us as we expand it-please check in often and its changing by the hour. If you have any problems, or things you would like to see on it, please do get in touch via the contact link.

Arigato gozaimusu